Featured Projects


Featured Projects

GLOBAL – ENERGY CONSTRUCTIONS, one of the leading companies, has connected to the grid the second Solar project in 2007, after the enactment of Law 3468/2006 on Renewable Energy Sources in Greece. Has Built and commissioned Solar photovoltaic parks on the ground and on roofs, in industries and homes. With fixed and Sun tracking mounting systems of single and double axis, where has developed great know-how in the Sun tracking systems, as has built with 8 different technology trackers Solar photovoltaic parks. Construction of autonomous and hybrid photovoltaic systems, in remote areas. PV projects are distinguished for their durability over time, their robust and perfect technical construction, as well as their high energy efficiency.

There are many constructions in energy saving in buildings, from the participation of the company in all Energy saving programs. Constructions that are distinguished for their high energy saving, as well as aesthetic and architectural restoration.

Significant number of renovations and reconstructions, and finally new constructions of business buildings (apartments and suites for rent), hotels with very low energy consumption (nZEH) and Green Key certification.