Εταιρικό Προφίλ
We have been closely involved with solar electronics since 1992. Our aim is to revolutionise the energy supply of our planet to achieve energy self-sufficiency.
The highest possible level of quality is at the forefront of all our activities. This is demonstrated not only by our powerful, grid-connected inverters, but also by our comprehensive range of system monitoring products.
However, energy self-sufficiency requires more than temporarily available photovoltaic electricity, which is why Fronius has already spent many years researching into efficient ways of storing solar power. Our development of the Fronius Energy Cell represents a milestone for this sector. The objective is to store excess PV current in the form of hydrogen and to release it again as electricity when required.
The high quality of Fronius is not only apparent from our products: our technical support and unmatched Fronius Service Partner Programme are unique selling points and an important part of our philosophy.
Whenever it starts to develop a new product, Fronius critically examines the prevailing technology on the market and comes up with innovative ideas and new solutions. Solutions that we use in Solar Electronics every day in shifting the limits.